Lisbon AHA

isbon AHA is an EIP-AHA reference site for the region of Lisbon, born in a bottom-up logic since entities individually began to develop initiatives promoting active and healthy aging and felt the need to develop a common strategy for the region. Lisbon AHA is led by NOVA University of Lisbon and brings together several institutions from different quarters of society: public administration/health providers, universities and research, companies, and representatives of civil society. Some of the organizations involved are the following: the Lisboa, Sintra, Mafra, Almada, Oeiras and Odivelas Municipalities, the Arroios Parish Council, some private hospitals and clinics such as José de Mello Saúde SGPS, Luz Saúde, and Lusíadas Saúde, the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal and the Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL); companies like Glintt – Global Intelligent Technologies SA, Plux – Wireless Biosignals S.A., HopeCare (Health digital solution company), Value4Health.CoLAB – VOH Colab, and non-profit associations as INATEL Foundation, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (private institution of public administrative utility), AMPMV – Association More Proximity Better Life, ANDAR – National Association of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer Portugal Association, Health Dialogue Platform, LPCDR – Portuguese League Against Rheumatic Diseases, 55+ Association, and 40+ Association.

Of the 2.871.133 inhabitants of the metropolitan area of Lisbon, 434.115 of them are in the age range of 65-79 years old, and 186.050 with 80+ years old. In addition, the number of patients 65+ with long-term chronic conditions equals 481.100.

Lisbon AHA life-course approaches are divided into 4 thematic clusters: 1. Health Management and Promotion; 2. Independent Living; 3. Integrated Care; and 4. Age-friendly environment. Lisbon AHA works daily for a better health ecosystem in the region of Lisbon, creating strategies that are preparatory for the future, solving installed problems and verified trends, and preventing the impact of the currently disruptive sociodemographic changes that are taking place, specifically the demands for active and healthy aging using major technological advances.



Intelligent frailty prediction for the Portuguese elderly population. This research project, funded by the portuguese agency FCT, aims at studying frailty in the portuguese elderly, through the use of Artificial Intelligence models in patient data. AI models allow the creation of more detailed health pathaways which, in turn, are used to design a visual tool that depicts a patient’s path in their health. The final goal is to carry out a pilot that tests the quality of the data harnessed. Collaboration between the NOVA University of Lisbon, NOVA Medical School, VOH colab and SPMS. (

HealthyBone (NMS-Lusíadas)
Funded by Amgen Bone Research 2019, SPR/Pfizer and CHRC. The Healthy Bone Project aims the development of a digital tool, which will deliver a home-based program informed by behaviour change theory. This program will include a combination of strategies to increase long- term adherence to pharmacological and non- pharmacological osteoporosis treatment adherence among post-fragility fracture older adults. Thus, the Healthy Bone project aims at improving osteoporosis treatment adherence using ICTs, by the creation of the Healthy Bone TV app program. Collaboration between the NOVA University of Lisbon, NOVA Medical School and Lusíadas Saúde.

LEAVES has been carried out under the Active and Assisted Living Programme (AAL Programme) (project no. AAL-2019-6-168-CP). LEAVES aims at optimizing the mental health and resilience of older adults that have lost their spouse via blended, online therapy. LEAVES consists of ten modules containing reading material and many exercises that will help mourners to reflect on their current situation, on their feelings and thoughts, and on how they can adapt to a life without the partner.

Areas of Good Practice

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, including Food and Nutrition
A task force was set up with representatives from several institutions, with the aim of designing a solution for the high number of institutionalized people with signs of dementia and/or cognitive deterioration. The Cognitive Stimulation ToolKit was the product of this working group and is intended to be used by direct action assistants and other professionals in the occupational area, in residential structures for the elderly and day centers, making them aware of the importance of developing activities with the seniors integrated in these structures, preserving their abilities. The aim was to promote cognitive function and prevent or delay the process of brain degeneration associated with normal or pathological ageing.

Integrated Care, Polypharmacy and Medicines Management
CoaguMonitor – a value analysis in patients submitted to anticoagulant therapeutics. Telemonitored patients are submitted to anticoagulant therapeutics at the Cardiothoracic Surgery Service of Hospital de Santa Marta – CHULC. From home, patients measure & send the INR value and report symptoms via chatbot. At the hospital, surgeons access the platform and analyze the alarm system developed to make informed clinical decisions. VOH is participating in CoaguMonitor with Roche Diagnostics.

Website, and other social media links to the AHA Reference Site

