Who we are, What we do, How we support AHA Reference Site Regions?
The RSCN promotes and facilitates the implementation and Scaling-Up of Innovation and Digital Solutions to address the life-course approach to active and healthy ageing.
Representing all accredited Active and Healthy Ageing Reference Site regions the RSCN facilitates multidisciplinary experts from public authorities, health, social care, education, business, research, to engage with policy makers, patient and citizen groups, and communities in sharing their diverse backgrounds and experience to identify and address mutual health and care challenges that will lead to sustainable improvements in health and care outcomes for citizens throughout the life-course.

Our Mission
Support AHA Reference Sites in Europe, and beyond, to:
- Promote all active and healthy ageing actions within a “whole life course”
- Accelerate the deployment of major innovations which will improve health, wellbeing, and care outcomes
- Develop new business models for innovative services
- Facilitate economic growth opportunities through new skills and new jobs in health, well-being, and social care
Our Aims
- Promote a life-course approach applied to specific targets and settings
- Accelerate the scaling-up and deployment of major innovations and digital health and care solutions that are tailored to our AHA Reference Sites
By bringing together all accredited AHA Reference Sites into a single network we:
- facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise
- create opportunities for collaboration to address common health and care challenges
- facilitate AHA Reference Site regions in the development and implementation of regional health and care transformation programmes
- generate connections with European and International forums to promote a life-course approach to active and healthy ageing
Supporting AHA Reference Sites

Facilitating AHA Reference Sites in collaborating and sharing knowledge and good practices
Thematic Working Groups – Bringing together experts from Government, health and care, research, business, and civic society to:
- identify research gaps to be addressed collaboratively to maximise the impact of research findings
assess and evaluate good practices and case studies to elicit: the context, learning, outcomes, experiences etc. - support regions and organisations to adapt and adopt innovative solutions,
- spread knowledge and skills coming from previous research and innovation projects, commitments, best practices
Sharing Knowledge, Learning, and Good Practices – Events and Twinning schemes to facilitate the sharing of regional knowledge, learning, good practices, digital and innovative health and care solutions in their approaches to addressing a life-course approach to active and healthy ageing,
Twinnings – Promote and identify opportunities for Twinning initiatives as part of EU funded projects to share knowledge, transfer, and scale up innovative and digital solutions and practices between regions.
Panel of Experts – Composed of health and care professionals, researchers. policy makers. business leaders.
Working Groups – Facilitate the development of AHA Reference Sites across Europe and internationally
The Executive Board

Maddalena ILLARIO, Chair

Ana CARRIAZO, Vice Chair

John FARRELL, Director

Jawad HAJJAM, Board of Directors

Angelina KOUROUBALI, Board of Directors

Pablo GOMEZ, Board of Directors

Donna HENDERSON, Board of Directors

Giuseppe LIOTTA, Board of Directors


Vincenzo DE LUCA